Monday, March 15, 2010

Music & The S-Factor

Music. We all love it, can't deny that. What type of music are you into? Personally I like anything that sounds good, and I'm more into the beat than anything. I listen to Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Alternative, even some Country here and there!

I was having a discussion with someone about a song they just recorded. It was a female, and a remix she did of a song taking a dudes virginity. Now there's numerous songs out there that are pretty vulgar. This song didn't go overboard but it was enough. I personally don't enjoy songs that are about nothing but sex and what not. If theres a line here and there then hey, its cool. But what kind of music is that really, that all you talk about is f*cking?

Do you guys like stuff like that? Am I wrong? Sex sells, and it is a part of life but why get into profane details about it in a song?

Music ain't the same anymore. I like listening to reality, same way I like non-fiction books. Be real. Tell a story. Back in the day Hip Hop had substance. What does it have now?

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