Friday, August 27, 2010

Dr. Philbook

Yes, Dr. Philbook!  Facebook meets Dr. Phil for clarification.  What’s with everyone and their baby mama, lame boyfriend, annoying mother, crappy friend drama?!  I got news people, there are people you can talk to for that!  Not even just the ones you have to pay, but the friends that aren’t so crappy might just be willing to lend an ear.  You should try that some time because we DON’T want to see it on Facebook.  Aside from making us roll our eyes at your annoyance of a status, it makes you look…well stupid. 

I totally get you wanting to put your girl/boyfriend on blast because they’re douches and you want the world to know…Trust me I do get it.  BUT…It’s sooo not worth it in the end.  What kind of “relationship” are you in that your problems get solved by airing out dirty laundry on a social network?  Just curious.  Clearly not a good one, this is an assumption.  If you truly feel doing this is a good thing, or it’s OK, then you should NOT be with that person nor should you be in a relationship PERIOD! 
Here’s an idea…TALK ABOUT YOUR ISSUES WITH WHOMEVER YOUR ISSUES ARE WITH!  Yes I know, I’m a geniuuus (sings to self).  Any person that is worth your time and emotions, is most certainly worth an exchange of words to get to the root of any of your problems.  If you can’t face each other to duke it out, well then…Move on!
Just sayin’…

Saturday, June 12, 2010

All I Ever Wanted...

Was some dam HOT WATER!!!!!

Yea it's hot out and everything but come on, I don't do cold showers! Cold doesn't wash away the germs. And yes the water is included in my bill but does that mean you can be stingy?? Noooo it doesn't. All I want is a 10 minute at least luke warm shower, and possibly another 10 minutes to wash my friggin dog! Unless you plan on letting me use your shower, which I'd rather not, I suggest you check the pipes or pay the bill. Thank you "super man." Hahaha get it? Super-man. Superman. Well I thought it was pretty funny.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Love You Til The End

Said I’d love you til the end, and every day I tried,
I could build us a castle, with every tear I cried.
Days were mental torture, needles to my brain,
Nights were a distraction, to ease that mental strain.
You say I never speak, but boy the stories you would hear,
If you just looked into my eyes, you’d see the joy, hurt, and fear.
I told you I wasn’t perfect, eventually you would see,
I told you things would change, eventually you would leave.
Not better than the rest, not better than the last,
Didn’t give you a bright future, didn’t erase your past.
I didn’t make a dent, barely even a mark,
I wasn’t the flame to your fire, barely even a spark.
We’re taking another turn, going around a bend,
Whether we make it or not, I said I’d love you til the end.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Yes a poem!  Wanted to be a little more personal with you guys.  Some can be depressing, sorry!  I just write whatever comes out, enjoy!

It only took a minute for it to disappear,
You're off in your life and I'm alone here.
To dwell in my thoughts to drown in sorrow,
Wishing all be restored by sun-up tomorrow.
You walk in a cloud of gray, mind in a trance,
The memories rain down while your thoughts do their dance.
Walking with a heart of steel, cold, hard and bare,
I would never bring you hurt and this just isn't fair.
I await my doom, my heart sinking with every panicked beat,
I await the death of love to sweep me off my feet.
Remember me by the smile that only for you was turned on,
Remember me by the love, that within minutes is long gone.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Love Josephine! (The band, not the girl)

In July of 2008 three beautiful girls ad some instruments were united and formed the post punk band known as Josephine.  Main vocals and guitar provided by Xtina Rubio, bass plucking done by Leigh Regan, and Tracy Thompkins on the drums.  The first click of the play button brings on the raspy voices similar to those of The Donnas, and tunes influenced by Johnny Cash and Pat Benetar.  These chics obtain the ability to have rappers rockin' out, especially with Xtina's pulse-like strumming in "Down to the sea."  If one finds themselves trying to make sense of some lyrics don't feel bad, Josephines' endowment of true poetic utterance is simply complimented by their acoustic mastery.  But "Billy's song" is simple yet so powerful, and is perfect for those down days.  There is something for all; from the lyricists and poets to the head bobbers.  Support the short but strong EP and definitely keep your ears on the lookout for these girls!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Music & The S-Factor

Music. We all love it, can't deny that. What type of music are you into? Personally I like anything that sounds good, and I'm more into the beat than anything. I listen to Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Alternative, even some Country here and there!

I was having a discussion with someone about a song they just recorded. It was a female, and a remix she did of a song taking a dudes virginity. Now there's numerous songs out there that are pretty vulgar. This song didn't go overboard but it was enough. I personally don't enjoy songs that are about nothing but sex and what not. If theres a line here and there then hey, its cool. But what kind of music is that really, that all you talk about is f*cking?

Do you guys like stuff like that? Am I wrong? Sex sells, and it is a part of life but why get into profane details about it in a song?

Music ain't the same anymore. I like listening to reality, same way I like non-fiction books. Be real. Tell a story. Back in the day Hip Hop had substance. What does it have now?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Being A Hoochie Is A Copout

Hey all...Watching Tyra and figured I'd express my opinion towards this topic...

Backstory: Tyra had a pregnant woman on the show, she worked for the Bunny Ranch in Nevada as a prostitute.  Too many women out there (and even men) are lowering themselves to this level to support their families, and some do it just for the hell of it. What is wrong with you??? Of course you will do whatever it takes to keep food in your kids bellies and clothes on their back, but is this the kind of parent you want to be? Do you want your kids to ask you later on in life how you took care of them and your answer is "I sold my coochie" or "I threw my ass around in a club." Come on now.

You're just copping out. Taking the easy route. Grow up!!! If you were any type of adult you would make the same effort to find a real job that you do stripping and screwing. Guess what, there are online classes if you can't physically make it to a school, there is financial aid, there are loans which you don't pay until after you graduate. There are a million jobs for you to choose from but you would rather make that fast cash shaking your ass. Hell yea it's hard to make a living, that's why it's called work! Life isn't easy, it's up to you to make the best of it though. Your occupation of choice isn't setting a good example for your kids. What are you going to do when your child gets into it as well and says "well mommy you did why can't I?" You'll be a hypocrite.

Anywho...I have much to say but my point is ladies; you have many many many choices. It may not be a job you like, but you'll grow into it, you'll gain experience then you can move on to a better one. Stop taking the easy way out and be a real woman. You're degrading yourself and you also ruin relationships at times. Very selfish move.

Just sayin'...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bye-Bye Berkeley!

I was never big on school in general, let alone College. When I walked across the stage to receive my rolled up piece of documentation I caught a glimpse of the shocked expression spreading across my Eco/Gov teachers face. Priceless. Needless to say, I didn't do too well in High School. 

I took a few years break after the big graduation, and since I don't actually learn in a classroom; I opted Online Degree! Ha. I don't think those BS schools (such as Pheonix whatever) are even really acknowledged so I chose a real school, just offering the O.D. I chose Berkeley College. Now I'm trying to decide whether it was a good choice, or if I should've just not taken college courses all together.

I can't say dealing with them has been a complete nightmare, but it's been bad enough. It seems as though the only time they are interested in making contact with me, and practically harassing me, is when they want their money. I can't count the number of times I tried to reach someone regarding new info for my Pell Grant. But when it came time to find out what's up with the bill they were quick on the phone and email. Hmm. I don't think that because I chose to take my classes online means I should get lesser attention than regular students. But it's happened. For me, there is no such thing as Career Advisement and Counselors. Just Financial Aid and Student Accounts. No help, no guidance, just money money money! It would be nice if within the past 2 years someone had called and simply asked, "How is everything going?"
Come on Berkeley! Since my interests and dreams have switched from IT to Equestrian I will no longer be needing your asses soon, but until then...I would actually like to learn something! This Art class...BS! My English class....BS! I don't learn anything from writing papers every week. I highly doubt many people do but this is the teachers approach? Maybe you need to check out your HR department.

Rather than waste the money I've already spent, by dropping out, I'll finish this degree. Then it's BYE-BYE BERKELEY!