Friday, February 12, 2010

Being A Hoochie Is A Copout

Hey all...Watching Tyra and figured I'd express my opinion towards this topic...

Backstory: Tyra had a pregnant woman on the show, she worked for the Bunny Ranch in Nevada as a prostitute.  Too many women out there (and even men) are lowering themselves to this level to support their families, and some do it just for the hell of it. What is wrong with you??? Of course you will do whatever it takes to keep food in your kids bellies and clothes on their back, but is this the kind of parent you want to be? Do you want your kids to ask you later on in life how you took care of them and your answer is "I sold my coochie" or "I threw my ass around in a club." Come on now.

You're just copping out. Taking the easy route. Grow up!!! If you were any type of adult you would make the same effort to find a real job that you do stripping and screwing. Guess what, there are online classes if you can't physically make it to a school, there is financial aid, there are loans which you don't pay until after you graduate. There are a million jobs for you to choose from but you would rather make that fast cash shaking your ass. Hell yea it's hard to make a living, that's why it's called work! Life isn't easy, it's up to you to make the best of it though. Your occupation of choice isn't setting a good example for your kids. What are you going to do when your child gets into it as well and says "well mommy you did why can't I?" You'll be a hypocrite.

Anywho...I have much to say but my point is ladies; you have many many many choices. It may not be a job you like, but you'll grow into it, you'll gain experience then you can move on to a better one. Stop taking the easy way out and be a real woman. You're degrading yourself and you also ruin relationships at times. Very selfish move.

Just sayin'...